It was the first of a generation, both for full 3D as well as Voice Acting. The first game in this collection is one of the most popular games in the Final Fantasy franchise. Reviewing them together would not only make for a very lengthy review, but also have a lot of time after its release before we would be able to review it. Considering how lengthy and in-depth each game is, and the fact that they are separate games and downloads for the Vita, it was decided that we would review each one separately. When we had first pondered the review of this collection, it began to be a bit of confusion on whether we should review the collection together, or if we should review Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 separately.

This was all done in a countdown to the release of the HD Remaster, and now it’s time to start making reviews for that collection. In our database of reviews, there are reviews for Final Fantasy Origins, III, IV: Complete Collection, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. On December 24 th of last year, we decided that we would make sure we review every mainstream Final Fantasy title available on the PS Vita before the release of the Final Fantasy X HD Remaster collection earlier this month, and we did. The Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster has been a large focus of our site for quite a long time. NA Availability: Digital Download | RetailĮU Availability: Digital Download | Retail